Monday, April 19, 2010

J & B - The Hills, Ouch!

During my four mile run with my military-trained brother today, I realized why Mother Nature gave women hills - J & B (jeans and bikinis). This was a very hilly course; we ran up or down the entire 40-something minutes.

After mile three or so, we started up a very steep hill and I wanted to scream (I shrugged ugh a couple of times, I'm human) and then I thought to myself this is for your jeans and I can do this. Screw you cake that I sinfully enjoyed last night! Go straight not to my thighs pizza I ate Friday and reheated during the weekend!

Bring it on hill. Once I'm finished pressing my rubber against your asphalt, I'll be ready for South Beach. Oh, and one more thing, hill - see you tomorrow.

*Keep in mind, I'm sarcastic.
A lil' bit about moi' (me)!

If you can't tell from the post and my last name, I'm a Frenchy with ties to the Big Easy and roots in Atlanta. I refer to myself as an Atlantan and practically a true local. That's right, I remember when Publix at West Paces was A&P and Lenox mall had Macy's and Rich's - not a Bloomies or major European designer store in sight.

In a nutshell, I'm a motivated and strong PR chick finding my place in the world. Yes, I actually mean finding my place in the world! Before I named this blog "Finding the Ladder," I almost dubbed it "Life Almost on the Totem Pole," but no one got the totem pole part (Can you believe that?). I'm on the track to a fabulous and successful life (I won't have it any other way) but I'm looking for essentials first, such as the ladder to climb (Don't worry. I'm starting at point b or c, not a.)

My goal for this blog is to share stories about me and my adventures while sewing it together with Atlanta pizzaz, umpf and meaning.

I encourage your comments, learnings and laughs as I, my man (we'll call him "E"), poodle, family and friends trek along with me...I promise, it's going to be a fun ride.

My Blog, My Journey

I've wanted to start a blog for months now, but then I'd get bombarded with thoughts like: "what's it going to be called - cool, witty, real, full-name," "what about my blogging compass," and "who is going to join in the fun."

So, finally, with much tribulation, I've decided to dive in and blog.

Happy blogging and happier reading!